
2024-05-06 13:43:54 来源:九朽文学 点击:1
1、如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。 If I forget you, will you feel hard to breathe. 2、或许我也会去拥抱其他人,但再也不会像拥抱你那么紧了。 Maybe I will hug other people, but I will never hug you as tightly. 3、彼岸花开,花开彼岸,花开无叶,叶生无花,花叶生生相惜,永世不见。 On the other side, flowers bloom on the other side, flowers bloom without leaves, leaves grow without flowers, flowers and leaves grow and cherish each other, never seen. 4、我只是想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。 I just want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything. 5、痴情的一方注定伤的最深,自古痴情终成空。 The infatuated side is destined to hurt the deepest, since ancient times, infatuation will eventually become empty. 6、可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,可以保护我的脆弱。 Can there be a person who can see through my bravado and protect my vulnerability. 7、那种亲密的人突然陌生,希望完全落空的感觉,就好像喝口凉水居然被烫到。 It's like drinking cold water and getting burned. 8、如果不曾相遇,何来如此悲剧。 If never met, how come such a tragedy. 9、我只是需要一个可以陪我天荒地老的人,但你做不到。 I just need someone to be with me, but you can't. 10、世上道路何其之多,可我无论怎么走,都走不成与你殊途同归。 There are so many roads in the world, but no matter how I go, I can't go the same way as you. 11、开始我们用付出证明自己多爱对方,后来我们用伤害对方来证明自己正在被爱。 At first, we prove how much we love each other by giving, and then we prove that we are being loved by hurting each other. 12、你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。 You allow me to smoke and fire for the third time, but now I'm only lost for the first time. 13、其实你并不喜欢我,只是在你最孤独的时候,遇到了我。 In fact, you don't like me, just when you are the most lonely, met me. 14、你是我患得患失遥不可及的梦,而我却是你可有可无无关紧要的人。 You are a dream I can't reach in spite of gain and loss, but I'm a person you don't care about. 15、不要觉得你在某些人心里很重要,总有一天你会明白那只是一个笑话。 Don't think you are important to some people. One day you will understand that it's just a joke. 16、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don't say love easily, promise is debt! 17、多少相爱而未坦露心声的男女,让时间煮成了遗憾的回忆。 How many men and women who love each other without revealing their true feelings, let time boil into a regretful memory. 18、终是庄周梦了蝶,你是恩赐也是劫,若无庄周这一梦,亦无恩赐亦无劫。 Finally, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterfly. You are a gift and a robber. Without Zhuang Zhou's dream, there will be no gift and no robber. 19、你塞满了我的整个过去,却在我的未来永久缺席。 You fill my whole past, but you are absent forever in my future. 20、你在我心里住了那么久,即使要忘记也会留下痕迹。 You have lived in my heart for so long, even if you want to forget, you will leave traces. 21、没有了你,就没有了生活,我缺少的是爱吗?我缺少的是你。 Without you, there would be no life. What I lack is love? What I lack is you. 22、开始总是甜蜜的发腻,结果却哭得出奇。终是人海太拥挤,梦醒时分再无你。 At first, it is always sweet and greasy, but in the end, it cries surprisingly. Finally, the crowd is too crowded, no more you when you wake up. 23、面对变化,接受无常,放过自己。 Face change, accept impermanence and let go of yourself. 24、总是怠慢你的人就是不在意你的人,多说一句都是求。 The person who always neglects you is the one who doesn't care about you, saying more is asking. 25、心疼不是在你离开,而是当你再次出现。 Heartache is not when you leave, but when you appear again. 26、因为永恒不变的,只有改变,因为最不意外的,只有意外。 Because the eternal, only change, because the most unexpected, only accident. 27、你总是这样说话不算数,我想等你,结果等来了风等来了雨都没等来你。 You always talk like this. I want to wait for you, but when the wind comes, the rain doesn't wait for you. 28、我要很多很多爱,如果没有,我就要很多很多钱。 I want a lot of love, if not, I want a lot of money. 29、我最轻浅的念想,不过是和你一起仰望星空。 My lightest thought is to look up at the starry sky with you. 30、你在雨中行走,你从不打伞,你有自己的天空,它从不下雨。 You walk in the rain, you never take an umbrella, you have your own sky, it never rains. 31、离开了,就别问人家过得好不好。不好你也帮助不了,好也不是你的功劳。 If you leave, don't ask people how they are doing. If it's not good, you can't help. If it's good, it's not your credit. 32、一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache. 33、都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 It is said that only after losing can we know how to cherish. In fact, the loss after cherishing is the most painful. 34、幸福就是只要牵对了手,就算失去了方向感,但仍然不会害怕。 Happiness is as long as you hold the right hand, even if you lose the sense of direction, but still will not be afraid. 35、带着孤单去流浪,带着无奈去忧伤,带着离愁去哭泣,在远方默默的思念着你。 With lonely to wander, with helpless to sad, with sorrow to cry, silently missing you in the distance. 36、我希望你路过,即使你并不记得我。 I hope you pass by, even if you don't remember me. 37、说不尽的心酸只能当笑谈,数不尽的往事只好随风吹散。 Endless heartache can only be used as a joke, countless past events have to be scattered with the wind. 38、色彩,淡淡的就好,深了会褪色;生活,简单就好,复杂了会变质。 Color, light is good, deep will fade; life, simple is good, complex will deteriorate. 39、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲,人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。 Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sorrow for you, there is always a period of time to learn to grow up. 40、爱情总是多了伤感,凉了时光,疼了心脏。 Love is always more sad, cool time, hurt the heart. 41、别太轻易把心交出去,收回来的时候伤痕累累你才知道痛。 Don't give your heart out too easily. When you get it back, you will know the pain. 42、放得下就不孤独,站得远些就清楚,不幻想就没感触,不期待就不在乎。 If you put it down, you won't be lonely. If you stand far away, you will be clear. If you don't dream, you won't feel it. If you don't expect, you won't care.




