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2024-06-25 15:23:47 来源:九朽文学 点击:0
关于兴趣爱好的英语好句十句 practice make perfect. 业精于勤 Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者事竟成 No pains no gains. 没有付出就没有回报 Noting is impossible to a willing heart. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 Better late than never 永远不会太迟 The early bird catches worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 Learn to walk before you run. 踏踏实实 循序渐进 Roma wasn't build a day 罗马不是一天建成的 Try try but do not cry. 勇于尝试 决不放弃 Talk is cheap 只是嘴上说说是不行的 如果还有问题的话可以去小马过河问问那里专业的英语老师,希望能够帮助到你,谢谢! 英语关于爱好的好词好句 1 when i first saw a piano , i fell in love with it and coudn't move on . 当我第一次看见钢琴,我就深深地爱上了它,甚至无法移动我的双腿。 2 I lost in her beautiful voice . 我十分喜欢她优美的嗓音。(我迷失在她优美的嗓音里) 3 I prefer coffee to tea. 相比茶, 我更喜欢咖啡。 4 I was concentrated on drawing .我专注于绘画。 5 If there is something can really move my heart ,I would say the selfishless love。如果说真的有什么能够打动我内心最深处,我会说那只有无私的爱。 以“兴趣爱好”为主题的10句英语好句 1.A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of your activities.爱好带给你全新的能量和激情,让你在接下来的活动中精力充沛。 2.I find that when you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity. You are more likely to have creative breakthroughs. Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you.我发现,当你做喜欢的事情时,灵感会突然闪现,你很可能取得新的突破。面对的问题也会迎刃而解.3.We all need to keep growing both professionally and personally. I don't care if your hobby is gardening, weightlifting, or reading, you will grow from it.我们都需要获得专业与个人成长。 不管你的爱好是园艺、举重还是阅读,你都能获益匪浅。4.Remember not to “Say No” to yourself. Invest in activities that lead to growth and renewal. Spend more time on yourself and you will have more productivity at work and all areas of your life.请记住:千万别对自己“说不”。 去参加一些让自己成长、给自己充电的活动吧,多为自己花点时间,你不仅工作更有效率,生活中的其他方面也能做好呢!5.Spending time on yourself results in more time and more focus in your other endeavours.多花点时间在自己身上确实能多出时间来,使你在其他事情上更加专注。 虽然只有5句话,却是非常有用的5句话,值得珍藏。 祝学业进步。 关于兴趣爱好的英文句子 你有什么爱好? What are your hobbies? What are your hobbies? (你有什么爱好?) I play golf. (我的爱好是打高尔夫球。) 你有点什么爱好吗? Do you have any hobbies? 业余时间你都干什么? What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? (业余时间你都干什么?) Nothing much. (不干什么。) 我喜欢看电影。 I like to watch movies. I enjoy watching movies. 你喜欢看什么样的电影? What kind of movies do you like? What kind of movies do you like? (你喜欢看什么样的电影?) Any kind. (什么都爱看。) 你的钢琴弹得真好。 You're a good pianist. You play the piano well. 你喜欢哪种运动? What kind of sports do you like? 你滑了多长时间雪了? How long have you been skiing? 我只是喜欢看。 I just like to watch. Do you play baseball? (你打棒球吗?) No, I just like to watch. (不,我只是喜欢看。) I only watch. 我是棒球迷。 I'm a baseball fan. I'm a fan of baseball. 我喜欢打高尔夫球。 I like to play golf. 你练习过健美操吗? Have you ever done aerobics? Have you ever done aerobics? (你练过健美操吗?) No way. (怎么可能!) Have you done aerobics before? 你对什么感兴趣? What are your interests? *interest “爱好”、“关心的事”。 What are your interests? (你对什么感兴趣?) I'm interested in art. (我对美术感兴趣。) ********************************************************* 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! ********************************************************* 关于兴趣爱好的句子 英语 最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:eying66 表达兴趣爱好的英语句型1.I'vealwaysliked。。。 我一直喜欢。。。 2.Ireallygofor。。。 我很喜欢。。。 3.I'mreallyfondof。。。 我很喜欢。。。 4.Ienjoy。。。 我喜欢。。。 5.Iam/getexcitedabout。。。 我对。。。感兴趣. 6.I'mcrazyabout。。。 我迷上了。。。 7.Ihaveapassionfor。。。 我酷爱。。。 8.I'mbigoncollecting。。。 我很喜欢收集。。。 9.Ihavestronginterest。。。 我对。。。有浓厚兴趣. 10.Ifindgreatpleasurein 我很喜欢。。。 11.Writingarticlesonmyblogismyfavoritethingtodo. 在7a64e59b9ee7ad9431333433623737我的博客上写文章是我喜欢做的事. 12.IamtotallyintogoingtoEnglishcorner. 我非常喜欢去英语角. 关于爱好的名言,(英语的名言) 爱好即百获得知识的第一步。 Love is the first step to obtain knowledge. 艺术家一开始总是业余爱好者。度 Artist started always amateur. 学问必须合乎自己的兴趣回,方可得益。 Accordance with his interest in learning, can benefit from. 好的先生不是答教书,不是教学生,乃是教学生学。 Good sir not teaching, not teach students, but teach students learn. 兴趣是最好的老师。 Interest is the best teacher. 关于兴趣爱好的英语作文,简单的,几句话就够 我有几句通俗易懂的,希望对你有帮助 I like English ,and I think it is important to me .If I have flee time,I must learn English,and I think it is very interesting.I like playing English game, and singing English songs。 Do you like English? 你可以试着加几句,上面那篇太深奥了,对中小学生不适合 求关于爱好的英语句子, Q: What do you like to do in your spare time? (你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?) A: I play golf, go to the movies and travel. (我打高尔夫,看电影,旅游。) Q: Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) A: No, I'm single. (没有,我是独身。) Q: What do you do for a living? (你是做什么工作的?) A: I work in the stock market. (我在证券交易所工作。) I'm a computer salesman. (我是一个电脑销售人员。) Q: Why did you come to China? (你为什么来中国?) A: I always wanted to see the Great Wall. (我一直以来很想看看长城。) Q: What are you good at (doing)? (你擅长做什么?) A: I'm a great cook. (我是个出色的厨师。) Q: What do you enjoy doing most? (你最喜欢做什么?) A: Teaching English and meeting new people. (教英语,结识新朋友。) Q: What's your dream? (你的梦想是什么?) A: To retire and travel around the world. (退休以后去周游世界。) Q: What's your goal in life? (你人生的目标是什么?) A: To become a millionaire before I am 30. (在我30岁之前成为百万富翁。) Q: Do you play any musical instruments? (你会演奏乐器吗?) A: I play guitar. (我会弹吉他。) Q: What sports do you like? (你喜欢什么体育运动?) A: All kinds of sports. But I like golf the best. (我喜欢所有的体育运动。不过高尔是我的最爱。) Q: What's your opinion on money? / What are your thoughts on money? (你怎么看待钱?) A: Money is great. Money makes the world go around. (钱是个好东西。钱使世界运转 / 有钱能使鬼推磨。




