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2024-04-27 10:04:33 来源:九朽文学 点击:1
1、听孤独在唱歌,诠释一个人的伤悲。 Listen to the lonely singing, interpretation of a person's sadness. 2、你说的话真甜蜜,甜到胃里烂到心。 What you said is so sweet, sweet to the stomach and rotten to the heart. 3、忘了,爱不是时光机,回不到过去。 Forget, love is not a time machine, can not go back to the past. 4、要你开心多一点,要你幸福到永远。 I want you to be more happy and happy forever. 5、不爱是一生遗憾,爱是一生磨难。 Do not love is a lifetime of regret, love is a lifetime of tribulations. 6、原谅我不能忘,忘不掉记忆中你的模样。 Forgive me for not forgetting, not forgetting your appearance in memory. 7、同样的场景。不同的对话。同样的承诺。 The same scenario. Different conversations. The same commitment. 8、就算是很难过,也要有最美丽的笑容。 Even if you are very sad, you should have the most beautiful smile. 9、不想你看见我如今,这副不堪的模样。 Do not want you to see me now, this pair of unbearable appearance. 10、是不是可以坚强到,对一切都无所谓。 It doesn't matter if you can be strong enough. 11、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真。 Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and will take it seriously. 12、时间刚刚好、我已经把你抛在脑后了。 Time is just right, I have left you behind. 13、别把我的心伤碎了,里面住的可是你。 Don't break my heart, but you live in it. 14、多亏了你,我才能烟酒脏话样样不差。 Thanks to you, I can smoke, drink and swear. 15、烟雾袅绕的寂寞,毒药滋长的容貌。 Smoke curling lonely, poison growing face. 16、我以为我够坚强,却输得那么绝望。 I thought I was strong enough, but I lost in despair. 17、既然无力挽回,那就不如早点放手。 Since there is no way to recover, it is better to let go. 18、我在风雨中行走,孤独也没有归途。 I walk in the wind and rain, lonely also have no way back. 19、玫瑰花的葬礼,我将用一生去完成! Rose funeral, I will spend my life to complete! 20、搁浅在时光记忆里,那最美的回忆。 Stranded in the memory of time, the most beautiful memory. 21、无人问我粥可温,无人与我立黄昏。 No one asks me whether porridge can be warm, no one stands with me at dusk. 22、忽然失却双飞伴,月冷风情也断肠。 All of a sudden, she lost her twin flying companions, and the cold moon was heartbroken. 23、暮山萧萧坠冷阳,一曲琵琶断人肠。 Dushan Xiaoxiao fall cold Yang, a Pipa break human intestines. 24、我们之间隔着海,给你的爱手放开。 We are separated by the sea, let go of your love hand. 25、去做别人的宝贝,别来趟我这浑水。 Be someone else's baby, don't come to my muddy water. 26、我不需要再见,因为我们只是过客。 I don't need to see you again, because we are just passers-by. 27、我病态,我不该,我怪胎,我活该。 I'm sick, I shouldn't, I'm freak, I deserve it. 28、放下该放下的你,退出没结局的局。 Put down the you that should be put down and quit the game with no ending. 29、念什么善恶慈悲,等什么望穿秋水。 Read what good and evil, compassion, and so on. 30、悲凉的微笑,掠过我那微薄的青春。 Sad smile, passing my meager youth. 31、不要惊动我爱的人,等她自己情愿。 Don't disturb the one I love, wait for her own will. 32、扒开那道伤疤,让你感受我的疼痛。 Lift that scar, let you feel my pain. 33、我不希望你幸福,但是又害怕你不幸福。 I don't want you to be happy, but I'm afraid you're not happy. 34、明眸皓齿一笑倾城,天使之名为你而生。 Bright eyes and bright teeth smile, angel's name is born for you. 35、我把心都交给你了,那你就别再还给我。 I give my heart to you, so don't give it back to me. 36、就算受伤,也要给自己一个大大的拥抱。 Even if you are injured, give yourself a big hug. 37、我讨厌你。讨厌你忘了自己说的一切。 I hate you. I hate that you forget everything you say. 38、无法提出给了别人,还拿什么爱自己! Can not put forward to others, but also take what love themselves! 39、努力做了,关心给了,不珍惜就算了。 Efforts to do, care to give, do not cherish even. 40、我们能否回到从前,找回原来的幸福。 Can we go back to the past and find the original happiness. 41、青春总需要一些疼痛让我们刻骨铭心。 Youth always needs some pain to make us unforgettable. 42、光活着就很难了,为什么还要我快乐。 It's hard to live alone. Why should I be happy. 43、我哭一百次,只是想让你心疼我一次。 I cry a hundred times, just want you to love me once. 44、你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。 You allow me three generations of fireworks, now only one life blurred. 45、你对他用的许多词语,让我心疼到死。 Many words you used to him made my heart ache to death. 46、我们剩下的只是,各自单向行的轨道。 All we have left is a one-way trajectory. 47、相同的时间,相同的地点,不同的人。 The same time, the same place, different people. 48、山河依旧荒凉,你却不再是人间希望。 Mountains and rivers are still desolate, but you are no longer human hope. 49、我们滥情的演绎着,编织着自己的梦。 We are unscrupulous interpretation, weaving their own dreams. 50、你这么成熟懂事,应该没什么人疼吧。 You are so mature and sensible. There should be no pain. 51、贪婪你一切的所有,迷如眼底的画卷。 Greedy of all you have, such as a picture of the eye. 52、一个人的成全,总好过三个人的纠结。 One person's success is better than three people's entanglement. 53、最深不过初恋,最痛不过视而不见。 The deepest but first love, the most painful but blind. 54、有时候很想去看海,听海哭的声音。 Sometimes I want to see the sea and listen to the cry of the sea. 55、你未对我半分好,偏巧这感情疯长。 You are not half good to me. It happens that this feeling is growing fast. 56、如果觉得太累,及时道别并没有罪。 If you feel too tired, it's not a sin to say goodbye in time. 57、若即若离,却依旧如胶似漆该多好。 It would be nice if I could leave, but I still feel like glue. 58、在爱情的漩涡里,我们边走边抽泣。 In the whirlpool of love, we sob as we walk. 59、人的一生,总要为一个人疯狂一次。 People's life, always for a person crazy once. 60、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天。 Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow.




