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2024-04-27 10:04:33 来源:九朽文学 点击:0
1、风带走了云,阳光送走了阴霾,我却怎么也带不走你。 The wind took away the clouds, the sun sent away the haze, but I can't take you away. 2、努力不一定能实现一切,但它能告诉你,你最远到哪里。 Hard work may not achieve everything, but it can tell you where you go farthest. 3、怎么补偿我思念你的时光,怎么补偿我爱你的模样。 How to compensate for the time I miss you, how to compensate for the way I love you. 4、我们同时放弃的是爱情,而不是彼此。 What we give up at the same time is love, not each other. 5、我知道我不是你最喜欢的人,但你却是我心里最重要的人。 I know I am not your favorite person, but you are the most important person in my heart. 6、低调不代表我不行,我只是没必要跟狗玩高傲。 Low key doesn't mean I can't do it. I just don't have to be arrogant with dogs. 7、别动不动就付出真心,他给你的糖,可能也给过别人。 Don't always give your heart. The candy he gave you may have been given to others. 8、你们的幸福,刺瞎了我的狗眼,刺穿了我的心。 Your happiness blinds my dog's eyes and pierces my heart. 9、风干了忧伤,雨散了惆怅。 The wind dried the sadness, the rain dispersed the melancholy. 10、等一个人是很傻的很傻的事,为什么我却依然执迷不悟。 It's silly to wait for a person, but why am I still stubborn. 11、再等等,山南水北,我一定陪你去。 Wait a minute. I will accompany you. 12、只做我自己,好好爱自己,人生没有过不去的坎。 Just be myself, love yourself well, there is no obstacle in life. 13、到了一定年纪,该牢记,万事藏于心不表于情。 At a certain age, we should keep in mind that everything is hidden in the heart, not expressed in emotion. 14、我喝过烈酒,爱过烂人,从前不回头,往后不将就。 I've drunk liquor and loved rotten people. I didn't look back in the past and I won't make do with it in the future. 15、要进你空间多少次,才能换来最近访客里你的头像。 How many times do I have to enter your space to get your head in recent visitors. 16、轻抚心口,问到,是不是连你也要背叛我了。 Caressing my heart, I asked if even you would betray me. 17、成功之秘诀,在始终不变其目的。 The secret of success is always the same. 18、我们必须在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。 We must seek victory in defeat and hope in despair. 19、不逼自己一把,你怎么知道自己有多优秀。 How can you know how good you are without forcing yourself. 20、不要学人搓麻将。折磨身心的事情不要做。 Don't play mahjong like others. Don't do things that torture your body and mind. 21、不用怕,不要愁,十年后,所有的事,都只是下酒菜。 Don't be afraid, don't worry, ten years later, everything is just food and wine. 22、人累了就休息,心累了就淡定,丢了自己,只能慢慢捡回来。 People rest when they are tired, and calm when they are tired. If they lose themselves, they can only pick them up slowly. 23、烟花虽然的短暂的,但是在烟花消失的瞬间却留下了永恒的存在。 Although fireworks are short-lived, they leave an eternal existence in the moment when they disappear. 24、走自己的路,你万众瞩目。 Go your own way, you'll be in the spotlight. 25、相爱容易,因为五官显而易见;相处不易,因为三观深藏不露。 It's easy to fall in love because the facial features are obvious; it's not easy to get along because the three outlooks are hidden. 26、后来沧海月明吹皱了此间诗韵,白衣苍狗只是流云。 Later, the sea moon wrinkled the rhyme of the poem, and the dog in white is just a cloud. 27、脾气别大于本事,奢求别大于能力,要求别大于你们俩的关系。 Temper is not greater than ability, extravagance is not greater than ability, demand is not greater than the relationship between you two. 28、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。 Love sublimates people's vision to the best. 29、除了父母给的,这世上一切的物质都要拿代价换的。 In addition to the parents give, all the material in this world have to pay for. 30、这个城市虽然拥挤,却到处都是孤独的灵魂! Although the city is crowded, there are lonely souls everywhere! 31、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears flow down, we know that separation is another understanding. 32、所有的豪言都收起来,所有的呐喊都咽下去。 All the bold words are put away, all the shouts are swallowed. 33、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 He who sows with tears will reap with a smile. 34、两人在一起时看的是感情,分开时看的是德行。 When they are together, they are looking at their feelings. When they are apart, they are looking at their virtues. 35、历史本就这样,成王败寇,只谈功过,不论对错。 This is what history is all about. Success and defeat are all about merits and demerits, right or wrong. 36、愿所有黄昏都如期,要分离就这样分离。 May all Twilight be as it should be. If you want to be separated, you will be separated in this way. 37、即使没有人为你鼓掌也要优雅的谢幕感谢自己认真的付出。 Even if no one applauds for you, you should also thank yourself gracefully for your earnest efforts. 38、我不允许你打我,不要打了,你的手会很痛的,我很抗打哦! I don't allow you to beat me. Don't beat me. Your hand will hurt. I'm very resistant to beating! 39、所谓郁闷,就是灵魂失去了哄骗自己的能力。 The so-called depression is that the soul has lost the ability to deceive itself. 40、岁月留不住年少的迷茫,年华带不走曾经的轻狂。 Years can not keep young confusion, time can not take away once frivolous. 41、有些记忆,不是你忘记了,而是你不愿想起。 Some memories, not you forget, but you do not want to remember. 42、头发越剪越短,抽烟的姿势越来越熟练,爱人也越来越随便。 The shorter the hair is cut, the more skillful the smoking posture is, and the more casual the lover is. 43、未经失恋,不懂爱情,未经失意,不懂人生。 Not lovelorn, do not understand love, not frustrated, do not understand life. 44、那些日子的委屈,歌单知道,枕头知道,我知道。 The grievances of those days, song list know, pillow know, I know. 45、每次睡前能够听到你的晚安,是属于我,最简单而持久的幸福! Every time I can hear your goodnight before I go to bed, it's my simplest and lasting happiness! 46、想等繁星代替落日,皓月坠入夜空。 I want to wait for the stars to replace the setting sun and the bright moon to fall into the night sky. 47、人之所以痛苦,在于追求了错误的东西。 The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things. 48、伤害你的不是对方的绝情,而是你心存幻想的坚持。 What hurt you is not the other party's unfeeling, but your persistence with fantasy. 49、活在别人的眼神里,就等于失去了自我。 To live in the eyes of others is to lose oneself. 50、我可以永远笑着扮演你的配角,冷眼看着你对她万般讨好。 I can always play your supporting role with a smile and watch you please her coldly.




