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2024-04-22 14:46:16 来源:九朽文学 点击:0
1、不空洞,不浮躁,做一个丰盈的人。 Not empty, not impetuous, be a rich person. 2、保护一个人,并不是正因钟爱一个人。 Protecting a person is not just because you love a person. 3、世界上没有快乐的地方,只有会快乐的人。 There is no happy place in the world, only those who will be happy. 4、一时强弱在于力,千秋胜负在于理。 Strength lies in strength for a time, and reason lies in victory and defeat for a long time. 5、不管流言怎样中伤,选择自己喜欢的方式飞翔。 No matter how slandered the rumors are, choose the way you like to fly. 6、勇敢,事会成功;勤劳,幸福必来。 If you are brave, you will succeed; Hard work, happiness will come. 7、我的青春不要留白,我敢异想就会天开。 Don't leave my youth blank. If I dare, my dreams will open. 8、有梦想,才有力量;有希望,才会拼命。 Only with dreams can we have strength; If you have hope, you will work hard. 9、不要太吝啬,不要太固守,懂得取舍,学会付出。 Don't be too stingy, don't be too stubborn, know how to choose and learn to give. 10、心理只有无奈和心酸,要怎么面对以后的生活。 Psychological only helpless and sad, how to face the future life. 11、一生要走很多很多路,重要的却只有那么几步。 There are many ways to go in life, but only a few important steps. 12、男人的累,源于工作,女人的累,源于家庭。 Men's tiredness comes from work, while women's tiredness comes from family. 13、生命的成长不光需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。 The growth of life not only needs to eat, but also needs to bear hardships and losses. 14、抬头望着天空,我微笑的张开双手坦然面对未来。 Looking up at the sky, I smiled and opened my hands to face the future. 15、人生如梦,岁月匆匆。悠悠亘古,百年孤独! Life is like a dream, years are in a hurry. Long and eternal, a hundred years of solitude! 16、明天越来越少,昨天越来越多。 Tomorrow is less and less, yesterday is more and more. 17、接受自我孤独的现实,同情那些喧嚣吵闹的人。 Accept the reality of self loneliness and sympathize with those noisy people. 18、开怀一笑天下事,闭口不论世上人。 Laugh at the world and shut up, regardless of the people in the world. 19、对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。 How is life? For example, the morning dew is much more bitter. 20、如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情。 If a friend makes you angry, it means you still care about his friendship. 21、人间的缘,聚聚散散,能一直走下去的少之又少。 The fate of the world, gathered and scattered, can go on very little. 22、微笑,是我看到你之后,幸福的发酵。 Smile is the fermentation of happiness after I see you. 23、完善自己,让自己的人生,更加出色。 Improve yourself and make your life better. 24、成功的人不是赢在起点,而是赢在转折点。 Successful people do not win at the starting point, but at the turning point. 25、我不该有欲望,有了你的微笑,却渴望你的拥抱。 I should not have desire, with your smile, but eager for your hug. 26、当众反对你的主管,只能让你的日子不好过。 Opposing your supervisor in public can only make your life difficult. 27、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。 A fierce speech may not be justified. 28、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。 Don't cry because it came to an end, smile because it began. 29、有些事一转身就是一辈子,即便想挽回也晚了。 Some things turn around for a lifetime, even if it's too late to recover. 30、没有人能一路单纯到底,但别忘了最初的自己。 No one can be pure all the way to the end, but don't forget your original self. 31、生命的进行不是直线,而是一种圆融。 The progress of life is not a straight line, but a kind of harmony. 32、讨厌一个人的话,从头到脚都会厌恶。 If you hate a person, you will hate it from head to toe. 33、宁做穷人脚下土,不做财主席上珍。 It's better to be the dirt under the feet of the poor than the chairman of finance, Shangzhen. 34、我的离开,成全了谁的碧海蓝天。 My departure has made whose blue sea and blue sky come true. 35、在紧张的行动中间,言语不过是一口冷气。 In the midst of intense action, words are just a cold breath. 36、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也让人忘记爱情! Love makes people forget time, and time also makes people forget love! 37、坚持到底,成功降临;半途而废,希望破灭。 Stick to it and success will come; Give up halfway and lose hope. 38、大概是因为你不孤单,所以我给的陪伴并不起眼。 Probably because you are not alone, so my company is not remarkable. 39、完善自己、让自己尽量达到完美。 Improve yourself and make yourself as perfect as possible. 40、三样东西最无常:成功、财富和梦想。 Three things are the most impermanent: success, wealth and dreams. 41、言不在多,声不在高,只要有理就行。 No more words, no higher voice, as long as it is reasonable. 42、让自己,持有一颗善于接纳的心。 Let yourself have a receptive heart. 43、给失败装上一双翅膀,就能飞到成功的天堂。 If you put a pair of wings on failure, you can fly to the paradise of success. 44、忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。 Loyalty is the bridge of love, and fraud is the enemy of friendship. 45、有时候对一个作家而言不是诺贝尔奖,而是盗版。 Sometimes for a writer, it's not a Nobel Prize, but piracy. 46、我想知道,自己喝醉酒之后会喊出谁的名字。 I want to know whose name I will shout when I am drunk. 47、决定买房子,今天去借了部分首付,压力好大。 I decided to buy a house. I borrowed part of the down payment today. I'm under great pressure. 48、Ren总是要为自己负责的,不管你负的起,负不起。 Ren is always responsible for himself, whether you can afford it or not. 49、是幼稚,是蠢,才会觉得爱可以挽留。 Is naive, is stupid, will feel that love can be retained. 50、看淡钱财利益,放下悲伤烦恼。 Look down on money and interests and put down sadness and trouble. 51、看景胜过听景,听景不如看景。 Seeing scenery is better than listening to it. Listening to it is better than watching it. 52、跌倒了再爬起来,活着,要有越挫越勇的勇气。 When you fall down and get up again, you should have the courage to be more brave. 53、青春就是这样:用大把时间彷徨,却在一瞬间成长。 Youth is like this: Hesitating with a lot of time, but growing up in an instant. 54、爱美的女人,运气都不会太差。 A woman who loves beauty will not have bad luck. 55、过去属于死神,现在属于自己。 It used to belong to death, but now it belongs to itself. 56、岁月是一场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景。 Years are a journey without return, good and bad are scenery. 57、你应该是一场梦,我应该是一阵风。 You should be a dream, I should be a gust of wind. 58、每个人在他生活中都阅历过可怜和痛苦。 Everyone has experienced pity and pain in his life. 59、你扔下的石头,绊倒的往往是你自己。 The stone you throw down often trips you. 60、我荒废的今日,正是昨天殒身之人祈求的明日。 I leave uncultivated today, is precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored. 61、每个人都只能年轻一次,这是人生最邪恶的地方。 Everyone can only be young once. This is the most evil place in life. 62、眼里没你的人,你何必放心里。 If you don't have your eyes, why should you put it in your heart. 63、说出一个人真实的思想,是人生极大的安慰。 Telling one's true thoughts is a great comfort in life. 64、如果你不回头,你永远不会知道我在你身后等你。 If you don't look back, you'll never know I'm waiting for you behind you. 65、家,甜蜜的家,天下最美好的莫过于家。 Home, sweet home, the best thing in the world is home. 66、独自徘徊在夜色的道路上,哪里才是我的方向? Wandering alone on the road of night, where is my direction? 67、决定忘记的人,再见到就别心潮澎湃了。 Those who decide to forget, don't be excited when you see them again. 68、失之坦然,得之淡然,争其必然,顺其自然。 Lose the calm, get the indifferent, strive for its inevitability and let it go. 69、或许你不是在找,而是在找心情。 Maybe you're not looking, but looking for mood. 70、我把心都用来爱了你,却忘了用一点来爱自己。 I used my heart to love you, but forgot to love myself with a little. 71、愿意付出,又不肯拼,无非是妄念。 Willing to pay, but unwilling to fight, is nothing more than delusion. 72、智者要事业不忘健康,愚者只顾赶路而不顾一切。 A wise man should never forget his health in his career, while a fool only cares about his way and is desperate. 73、不知道昰不昰在想沵,总之心痛了好几下。 I don't know if I'm thinking of you. In short, my heart hurts for several times. 74、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 Greetings do not have to be careful, but they must be sincere and touching. 75、成长的心灵,没有目的,有的只是处处笑声。 The growing heart has no purpose, but laughter everywhere. 76、成功的速度一定要超过父母老去的速度、努力吧! The speed of success must exceed the speed of parents' aging. Work hard! 77、只要你愿意走,踩过的都是路。 As long as you are willing to go, all you have stepped on is the road. 78、人生伟业的创建,不在能知,乃在能行。 The creation of great undertakings in life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do. 79、如果你的生活以自我为中心,你会活的很孤单。 If your life is self-centered, you will live alone.




